Friday, November 25, 2022

From zero to Zanubis

 A few weeks ago we stumbled upon a suspicious Android sample from a tweet from @malwrhunterteam which was only detected by four antivirus engines:

Antivirus verdicts didn’t provide specifics about the malware family other than it might be either a banking trojan or spyware, so a first approach to continue the investigation is finding other similar samples that will help provide a picture of this malware family. Continuing with the example, the first step is checking the “Relations” tab in the VirusTotal report to find other related IOCs (Indicators of Compromise). In this case we can observe a few interesting “Contacted URLs” obtained during sandbox detonation:

Although both URLs are interesting, the one used for socket communication (port 8000) uses Spanish strings in the endpoint (“instalado” meaning installed). By clicking on this URL in VirusTotal, we immediately find four additional samples sharing the same described networking behavior: 

These results show that the sample used to start the investigations (first seen 2022-08-27) was not the first one submitted to VirusTotal from the set of samples contacting the suspicious URL. A sample having a similar behavior and named “preso.apk” was submitted two weeks earlier (2022-08-11). The “Network Communications” section in the “Behavior” tab shows how it uses the same URL pattern:

We decided to create a Yara rule to monitor freshly submitted samples also having this same pattern.

Finding patterns for hunting

Writing YARA rules for APK files might be a bit complex, however we have two powerful tools on our side: the “vt” YARA module and VTDiff. 

Using VTDiff 

VTDiff finds common patterns between a set of files and excludes the “too common to be useful” ones. You can also provide an “exclusion list” based on a set of hashes. As a result, we get a shortlist of patterns to consider for our YARA. Considering that the APK format is basically a ZIP file, we need to choose the bundled files to submit to VTDiff. In this case, “classes4.dex” seems a good candidate based on the number of detections:


In our new VTDiff session we add classes4.dex hashes in the first box, and in the second box (exclusion list), a random DEX file from a clean Android file:

After VTDiff does its magic, we get several patterns matching most or all of the files submitted:

We can explore how useful these patterns are for hunting by doing a content search (just by clicking on the pattern). This returns how many files in VirusTotal match a pattern:

In this case, the chosen pattern returns 20+ additional dex files. We can find their corresponding APK parents through their relationships.

VT YARA module

The VT YARA module enhances YARA rules in many ways, including the possibility of including behavioral patterns in the rules’ conditions. This includes matching URLs extracted during sandbox detonation. In this particular case, we will take advantage of two facts to create our rule:
  • Samples connects to an endpoint called instalado
  • Samples create and delete a temporary backup file with .xml.bak extension.

With these very simple ideas, we can create the following rule:

import "vt"

rule Zanubis_Behaviour_VT
      author = "@entdark_"
      email = ""
      created = "2022.09.1"
      for any http_req in vt.behaviour.http_conversations : (                                                                                
        http_req.url contains "instalado") 
      for any deleted_file in vt.behaviour.files_deleted : (
        deleted_file contains ".xml.bak")
      and vt.FileType.ANDROID

In case you are not familiar with YARA, the previous rule:
  • Imports the VT module to obtain access to VirusTotal’s metadata and behavioral data.
  • Iterates all the aggregated HTTP conversations in the behavioral sandbox report and finds patterns contained within the URL field.
  • Iterates all aggregated deleted files on detonation, and searches for the .xml.bak substring.
  • Verifies that the file is an Android file.

To test this YARA rule, we can manually rescan the samples used to generate it and check if they trigger the rule. However, it is more interesting to run a RetroHunt job and observe how many additional samples show up from VirusTotal’s collection:

We started from a single sample that allowed us to find 3 more through pivoting. Now RetroHunt provided us 14 files thanks to our behavior-based Yara rule. That’s great, isn’t it? 

Please note for the moment the “vt” YARA module can only be used for LiveHunts (availability for RetroHunts is in late Beta, very soon available for everyone!).

Analysis of this Android malicious family

Now that we have several samples to work with, we can go into a more manual analysis phase to make sure they are all related and what are the common capabilities. In this case, the samples belong to a family called Zanubis, which is a “work in progress” banking trojan. It uses accessibility services to overlay its victim’s apps with their own login screen. So far, it seems to exclusively target financial entities from Peru and retrieves data from the victim’s device including contacts, device details and SMS data. All the retrieved data is sent back to the remote Command and Control via websockets.

For each iteration, Zanubis’ actors have been adding additional functionality, sometimes completing features where placeholders were found in previous versions. For the last iteration, analyzed samples seem to focus on improving their social engineering capabilities, in this case including links to Peru’s government sites.


The process described in this post is the one many researchers follow when finding an interesting sample. One of the first things to do is finding something unique enough that helps us take a step back and look for additional samples belonging to the same family. In this particular case, networking indicators based on behavioral analysis helped identify the malicious infrastructure, and from here, we were able to find some patterns to continue hunting. With a small set in our hands, we have different options to quickly explore different options to create exploratory YARA rules, in this case we used the “vt” module to add behavior to our rule.

There are many additional ways to reach the same results, as always we are happy to hear any ideas from you side.

Happy hunting!


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