Wednesday, November 02, 2022

Service Accounts are here to help

Tl;dr: We created Service Accounts you can use with your Enterprise license to use API keys not bound to any user in particular.

The new Service Accounts allow creating virtual VirusTotal accounts not associated with any particular corporate email address. A Service Account provides you with an API key you can use for automation and supporting Bring Your Own Key functionality, helping with quota and account management. This feature is already available to any corporate user, and allows creating as many Service Accounts as needed.

These are the steps needed to create a Service Account:

#1- As a group administrator, navigate to your corporate group preferences. The "Add user" button now opens a dropdown menu that allows you to select the type of account to add:

#2- When selecting "Service Account" you will be asked to add a descriptive name:


#3- After saving, your brand new Service Account is ready! You will find it under the new "Service Accounts" section:

You can find the Service Account’s API key next to it.

Service Accounts are easily disposable. In the unfortunate circumstance of compromises, leaks or if you simply decide to stop using it by any other reason, delete it and avoid having surprises on your quota consumption.

Happy hunting! 


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